Happy Birthday!

jumpoutcakeThe Hun’s Yellow Pages has been around for a loooong time now! How long? Well, 21 years to be exact! This makes it the first adult website that’s finally got adult! I bet some of the visitors weren’t even born when this site started!

The design of the site never changed much. The color has been changed twice when there were some family additions and of course we adapted to mobile and tablet, but since 1995 people have been visiting this page looking at the same yellow color and the ever growing collection of links to free porn on the web.

How did it start? In 1995 I was finishing my education (technical computer science) and this thing called ‘the internet’ came along. Being curious I wanted to know how that worked and built a simple web page using some program I found somewhere. With that I backwards engineered how HTML worked and in the process I built this page. So it was never the purpose to build the longest standing porn site in the world, the only goal was to learn HTML. Once uploaded and shared with some friend on the web it quickly went viral (whenĀ all the social networks were still actual people meeting each other). The rest is pretty much history! Happy Hunning!

12 thoughts on “Happy Birthday!

  1. Jimmy Jones

    Dude! Congrats on the sticking years!

    I found you the first month or so you came up on the web. Its funny how few there were available back in the day LOL. Needless to say I have been a happy “hunner” all these years, and my wife loves it too.

  2. Ardent Fan

    Happy Birthday, you crazy Hun!

    You have no idea how important your service is to we perverts everywhere. Seldom a day goes by when I don’t visit you. You inspire my inner Pagan, and I deeply thank you for it. Keep up the good work. Stiff upper lip. Tally Ho. And all that stuff.

    An ardent fan of the decades.

  3. boris

    Congratulations the hun! I have been downloading off the site for over 12 years it is still the best site by far
    with no bullshit design. And dont fix what aint broken!
    cheers Boris

  4. Jeff

    Happy Belated Bday Guys! We have been posting on here since 2001 and you guys rock! You have always taken great care of us and your other posters! Thank you for all you do!!

  5. Fred

    Happy Belated Birthday The Hun’s Yellow Pages This site has been My Best Friend Since I somehow came across it in 98 & WOW , I just got my first computer & just seen the Hun’s & DAM . It was Soooooo COOL that I had control of what I wanted to see , out went the magazines & out went the tapes & the last 18 years I have been with a few woman & I showed them ,, they loved The Hun’s , (( You Could Tell By The Big Wet Spot On There Panties ,,lol,, )) ,, I told a lot of friends & they got Hooked on it . I went on a couple other sites but just did not feel safe on them . The Hun’s ,, I Never Had A Problem . <> & 18 years later I’m still on your site . (( When The Girlfriend Is Not Around & I Get The Itch ,, It’s Hun’s To The Rescue ,,lol,, )) , Like I Said ,, The Hun’s Yellow Pages has been my Best Friend For 18 Years …………….. To The People At The Hun’s , You People Do One Hell Of A Great Job & Many Many More Years Of Great Work …… THANK-YOU …


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