Tag Archives: van

Car Lover

van_grillIn Dayton, Ohio, a man was arrested for having sex with a van. Now we know there are girls out there described as ‘vans’, but in this case the van was a solid van. The man stuck his penis in the grill of the van and started to have sex with it. The man was arrested and charged with public indecency.

Over the years many people have been caught having sex with unusual objects. Another man from the lovely state of Ohio (Hamilton) was arrested multiple times for having sex with his pool raft. He didn’t even bother to draw a face on it. His neighbours reported the man who was then arrested for the 5th time for public indecency… you can’t even love pool rafts anymore. Maybe he should have used the one in his own pool…

Not only the US has weird couples. In Sweden a man attempted to have intercourse with a wasps nest! Now, we reckon that’s not a very smart idea for obvious reasons. His attempt succeeded, evidence was found on the nest that implies the man managed to reach satisfaction, but over 50 wasp stings in his genitals and 100 more on the rest of his body was a little bit too much. He died.

Other object people have been caught in intimate relations with include sofa’s, pizzas, bicycles and picnic tables… Ew… Again in Ohio, Bellevue this time, a man was videotaped by his neighbor whilst having sex with a picnic table. We wonder what’s more perverted, having sex with a picnic table or videotaping your neighbour while doing so…

In Hong Kong a man was arrested when he got himself caught in an intimate rendezvous with a park bench. He stuck his manhood through a hole in the bench and got stuck. The man had to be transported to the hospital, bench and all, where it took 4 hours to cut him loose. 4 hours is more than what most people get.


A man from Sioux Falls, South Dakota was arrested after being chased out of his neighbor’s yard with his video camera. The footage shot showed the man masturbating and having sex with traffic signs. Police couldn’t go through all the material. Over the years the man collected 2 years worth of coverage of the man having sex with traffic  signs.

In the UK a man was caught having sex with a dead deer. After being arrested the man told the police he found the deer lying in a ditch and moved the corpse into the woods where he consummated his endeavor. He was charged with ‘sexual gratification with an animal’ – bestiality in lamers terms – his defence claimed that a carcass however does not qualify as an animal. The man had a previous conviction of shooting dead a horse so he could have sex with it. Weird fellow…