Tag Archives: mountains

The purpose of breasts

I once read on a truckstop mensroom: “If women’s breasts were on the back side, slow dancing would be more fun”. I partially agree. It would make it more awkward for sure. But it made us think… what is their purpose?

The main purpose of course is providing nutrition for infants, but why would play such a big role in maturation. Surely that means they serve another purpose then just feeding babies. Since ages people have been portraying breasts in paintings and sculptures, so they must be somewhat attractive and pleasant to look at. We couldn’t agree more.

Mother nature has breasts too. Many mountains are named after breasts ’cause they somehow resemble the shape. The mountains have been worshipped by many old cultures. In Asia you have “breast mountain” with a nearby cave where a Buddhist monk spent much time meditating… Even the US has a mountain named after breasts, they mountains where called “Les Trois Tetons” by the French, which translates to “The Three Breasts”. The grand Teton – the tallest of the three mountains, literally translates into “the big tit”. I know where my next hike is off to!

More reading on this subject at wikipedia! Happy Hunning!