Author Archives: The Hun

Biggest Gangbang

gangbang (ˈɡæŋˌbæŋ)- n. Vulgar Slang

  1. Sexual intercourse forced upon one person by several others in rapid succession
  2. Sexual intercourse involving several people who select and change partners


So, now we know what the definition of the noun ‘gangbang’ means, what was the biggest gangbang ever? There is a movie out called The world’s biggest gang bang which would indicate it’s the biggest. It stars porn actor Ron Jeremy as the host and part II was filmed (1996) where Jasmin St. Claire took on 300 men. In 1999 the 4 hour movie The Houston 620 was filmed. Although it’s not really clear how many people have intercourse with Houston it’s said that there’s a total of 620 ejaculations in that gang bang. There were 500 men when the movie was shot.

And the world’s smallest gangbang? That must have been the movie the World’s smallest gangbang, a 45 minute movie with only little people in the cast. Now you know!

good cause

156e7b777b6a3c8.50723790Did you know there’s an organisation out there that has sex in public in order to put focus on saving the environment? We believe any excuse for good sex is a good excuse, these people take it one step further and actually came up with a good cause. Why not? They started in 2004 and actually built up quite a fan base. Their donations helped support a lot of projects. You can find them at!

I guess they really give a fuck!


Ok, this is weird, even for us! We heard people can feel like they’re on fire, or they describe themselves as hot, but setting fire to your own wedding tackle for sexual stimulation is – at least – out of the ordinary!

We’ll be featuring more videos from, it’s a little side project we’re doing, check it out of a good adult laugh!

We checked online to see if there’s a scientific term for masturbating with fire, but we couldn’t find anything. Let’s just call it pyrobation or fire jerking…

Objects for men


In our survey on masturbation techniques we learned men are more resourceful when it comes to find things to have sex with than women. The girl’s favorite (the pillow) seems to be victimized by men as well, but part from that anything seems to go with men. The obvious apple pie and vibrators were confessed about a lot. The male love for bananas was surprising, but the most desirable object for men to have sex with seems to be the shower head! Now you know!

Objects for women


We are doing a little survey on masturbation techniques (, which brings out some interesting facts. First of all the ladies! You girls seem to confess a lot about having sex with vibrators, which is not surprising, it’s what they’re there for! You do seem to be fond of candles, pens and hairbrushes as well though! And that poor Teddy bear (or lucky bear!), he’s very popular as well. Most popular object to have sex with for women seems to be the pillow though. Now you know!


256c057922afd27.18921795Ok, valentine is long gone, but we’re building up quite a collection of masturbation confessions already. So we’ll keep this story on here for now.

Valentine was here again… Time to get romantic with the one you love. That doesn’t have to be another person though! We started a little collection of Masturbation Techniques on the Hun’s! Don’t be shy and anonymously submit your favorite way to get off. You could be a great inspiration to others! Have fun this Valentine’s weekend! 🙂

Of course you want to know where to find these techniques: well, they’re at Happy Hunning!

Michigan State

156bb480df0eae2.48792714Word has it Michigan Senate passed a bill that effectively bans all sorts of sodomy, anal and oral, gay and non-gay (sec. 158)! Punishment is set to up to 15 years in prison!

Sodomy is generally anal or oral sex between people, or a sexual activity between a person and a non-human. The word Sodomy originates from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Book of Genesis in the Bible.

A thorough report on the matter reveals that these ‘punishable crimes’ are a favorite past time in prison though!

Penis transplant

156a8ef2c6db154.60268258Men are known for sometimes over-protecting their wedding tackle. Although understandable (it’s a sensitive piece of equipment), it is entirely possible to have a penis replaced in case the owner and his dick somehow get separated. It can be transplanted from one person (#donor) to another, or one can be artificially grown (although this only has been done on rabbits so far), or it can be reconstructed from another part of the patient’s body, a procedure called phalloplasty

The first successful penis transplant was done in 2014 in South Africa. Results were a fully functional member (read about it). Now you know!


156b154ddd2a184.04941588A police office in the UK was investigating a noise coming from a house in Bradford-on-Avon in the UK. The building, which was usually empty in the weekends, was in use and the door was open. Wanting to check on the situation officer Mike Ober entered the building to find himself surrounded by mid-aged cougars who were celebrating the 50th birthday of one of their friends. Upon seeing the police officer one of the ladies shouter “You’re early”, but that didn’t stop all the women from shouting loud cheers encouraging the officer to start his act. Ober in turn hastily turned around and exited the building where he ran into the real stripper that was hired as a stripogram. How’s that for secondary working conditions?!