Author Archives: The Hun

New Olympic Hobby

steelejohnsonA new olympic hobby has emerged! People are posting pics on twitter of olympic athletes that appear to be naked. Nothing like unnecessary censorship (check for a funny clip about that!)! In this particular pic with this post the swimmers name ‘Steele Johnson’ makes it even better!

Ladies, enjoy the men’s diving! And for some female Olympic nudity there’s always water polo. Apparently there’s a lot of breasts flopping around every now and then. We can only approve! Happy Hunning

Holiday Season!

beachIt’s Holiday season at The Hun’s… which means we didn’t have as much time as we would like to update these blogs… After the holiday season we will be back updating as often as possible though! Now it’s just off to get some peace and quiet!

In the meantime we’ve been looking for something to look at for the holidays… the Olympics are in full swing, and we did notice the enormous list of sporty female athletes in the Rio Olympics! What to think of Ellen Hoog (Dutch Field Hockey team), Zsuzsanna Jakabos (Hungarian Swimming team), Amber Hill (British Shooting team) or Darya Klishina (Russian Long Jumper). We’re not too much into sports, but with athletes like these it becomes a lot better to look at!

Any athletes you’d like us to find out more about? Just leave a reply to this message and we’ll be looking for you!


Darya Klishina

Born January 15, 1991 in Russia

active in long jumping






Amber Hill

Born August 21, 1997 in Windsor, Great Britain

active in shooting





Zsuzsanna Jakabos

Born April 3, 1989 in Pecs, Hungary

active in swimming


Have fun this holiday season everybody!!!!


bugSorry for the panic right there people!!! The Hun was off-line for a while. It doesn’t happen often, but it did now. It was completely my own mistake. As you might know The Hun’s Yellow Pages is not a big operation. It’s two people running it, one does all the programming and design (me, the one that fucked up just now… ) and the other makes sure all the links on the site are up to the standard we have.

Normally updates/upgrades and changes go relatively seamlessly, but in this case it was a matter of forgetting to upload one single file, which caused the Hun’s Yellow Pages to have a breakdown and show an error on the site… rest assured… it’s been fixed. I can’t promise it won’t happen again, after all, I’m only human… and well, sometimes we all mess up, don’t we 🙂

Happy Hunning!!!

Find The Best Porn Fast With Reviews & Ratings

Years ago there was a shortage of quality porn online, and it was all about finding good reviews sites or directories to help you find the best of a very scare resource. Now, there is a massive glut of porn online but the majority of it is not worth watching, so things have changed and it has become all about sifting through the mountain of XXX trash to find what remains a very scarce resources – the best porn on the planet!


Thankfully, has evolved with the changing hardcore climate and is one of the best places to easily browse a handpicked directory of the very best porn offered anywhere online. See for yourself with just a couple clicks and get detailed information, along with direct links in the fastest interface you will ever find for quality smut! Site Review


 – The Porn Dude is completely impartial. Sure they make money from sites, but they don’t care which good site you go to, and they want you to keep coming back, so they always provide accurate information aimed at helping you find exactly the kind of videos and images that tickle your fancy. You can see all the sites, and their reviews are very honest. updates often and already includes a very large directory of sites. So, whether you like Tubes, Cams, Solo Girl sites or a specific niche fetish, they have already done all the searching for you, and are presenting you with the top picks of each category absolutely free.


  • Clean Design – With the amount of information they are giving you and the large number of sites in their directory, it’s really important that they maintain a clean design. That’s what allows their site to load so quickly, to present information in easy to understand chunks, and to keep you in the mood for more as you browse from one site to the next until you find your final destination.


  • Advert Free – There are absolutely zero ads on ThePornDude! No annoying blinking banners, no popups and nonsense… just straight to the porn, in the most enjoyable way possible.


Weaknesses – This isn’t some giant corporation pumping out reviews day and night, which can be a huge plus in terms of honesty, but it also means you are more reliant on one guy’s point of view. Yes, he definitely does know what he is talking about, but if you don’t agree with his choices, your only recourse is to contact him directly through the site to let him know.



Your time is the most valuable thing you have. The Porn Dude can save you a ton of time, because it rules out the junk and lists all the best options in a clean interface without ads or other nonsense. That means you can enjoy more time watching porn, and less time looking for porn… that in the end is the best outcome you could hope for from any link list directory or review site in hardcore XXX or anywhere else!

Check out

70 years of bikini!

fashion-2014-06-vintage-bikini-ad-1964-Rose-Marie-Reed-Swimwear-mainAlthough the history of bikini like garments can be traced back to Roman times, the bikini as we know it was born on July 5th, 1946. The bikini is named after the Bikini Atoll, an atoll in the Marshall Islands, and ‘invented’ by a automobile engineer named Louis Réard. At introduction the bikini was highly controversial, it was the first time the navel was fully exposed!

All ads for the bikini stated a two-piece suit wasn’t a genuine bikini unless it could be pulled through a wedding ring. All we know (and care about) is that they’re awesome to look at! Over the years we’ve posted quite a few bikini pics ourselves! Check them out!

Google WAS scaring people!

imgresGoogle is was claiming there is malware on thehun… there’s not… In a way it’s a good thing that they’re doing their part in fighting malware, but in this case they’re wrong. There is no malware on thehun.

We’re working hard to get this problem fixed, it’s hard to get human support at google. But we’re doing everything in our power to get this problem fixed as soon as possible!

If you want to know all the details, please read on! has always been a site with links to galleries. The galleries we get are submitted by webmasters who want to promote their content. You’ll get a taste of what you can find inside their members area. On top of each gallery (and now we’re getting a bit technical) we have the voting and the links to other galleries in the same categories, we do that with the hunbar. This hunbar loads the submitted content in an iframe. Google is now detecting this as malware… but IT’S NOT!!!!

For instance, in my google webmasters report I get a warning on:

The first problem on there is supposed to be:

<iframe id=”hbi” src=”” async frameborder=”0″>

This is loading the gallery that was submitted by the webmaster in an iframe, so it’s actually visible in the hunbar. The next detected ‘problem’ is this:

<a href=””>

This is a link to the gallery that was submitted. It’s not malware, there’s no harm in this link. It’s merely a link to the site that was submitted to us (we checked the site in question for malware as well, there’s no malware on it!). The third ‘problem’ was this:

<a href=”#” onclick=”return hunbar_remove( false )”>

This is the link on the top right of the hunbar to close it (together with the before link straight to the gallery). Google is a bit paranoid here. The ‘suspicious snippets’ as they call it is perfectly normal code that has been running on thehun for years now. It’s definitely NOT malware. Thanks for everybody that warned us about this problem. We’re doing everything we can to get google to rectify the problem and to make sure they no longer hurt the reputation we built up in 21 years. We look very closely after what is linked on the yellow pages. And it’s great that google helps to keep the internet clean, but in this case they’re going way too far!

The biggest problem is that there’s no human support from google! I can remove the problem right away by disabling the hunbar, but as soon as I enable it again google would detect it again and block everything.

Super Victor

supervictorIn Europe the European soccer championship is in full swing! The UEFA – the organizer of it all – introduced the Euro 2016 mascot which turned out to be somewhat of an embarrassment. The mascot name is ‘Super Victor’, kind of derived from ‘victory’, and it shares it name with… “A truly enormous, the ultimate big toy, 5.5kg super dildo!”

A giant it truly is! over 12 lbs, 16″ high, made to give pleasure… that goes for both the UEFA and the adult version of Super Victor! UEFA officials emphasise they’re not producing the adult toy.

History of the Vibrator

3-HollywoodVibra-ToneEver wanted to know all there is to know about the history of the vibrator? Maybe it’s an idea to head to San Francisco! It’s the home of the Good Vibrations museum, and that houses a huge collection of antique vibrators, from the late 1800’s up through the 1970’s.

Originally the vibrator was made as a treatment of ‘hysteria’. Women that suffered from faintness, nervousness, sexual desire (yes, that was a sickness back then!), insomnia, etc, etc, were often diagnosed with hysteria. In 1859 the physician George Taylor claimed a quarter of all women suffered from hysteria, later another physician catalogued 75 pages of possible symptoms of hysteria (and called it incomplete), so any ailment could fit the diagnosis.

The cause of this all was commonly blamed on sexual frustration, which lead to physicians recommending private clitoral stimulation at home. Women unable to do so received relief via a genital massage from a physician. This eventually lead to the invention of the vibrator.

SteamPunkVibratorOne of the earliest vibrators was called the Tremoussoir , invented in France in 1734. The first steam powered vibrator was called the “Manipulator” (invented by former mentioned George Taylor). It was loved by doctors who found themselves suffering from fatigued wrists and hands… poor doctors…

Anyway, the Good Vibrations museum is a good place to learn more about this!

Looking for a more modern source of women using vibrators: check The Hun’s search! Happy Hunning!

Airline Stewardesses

Ok, admit it, every man (and maybe woman) that ever stepped on board of a plane secretly checked out the flight attendants! It’s just part of the ‘on board entertainment’. You have to keep busy on those long flights, right? Well, A Vietnamese airline must have noticed this as well.

The airline VietJet Air attracted attention when they had their stewardesses perform a bikini show on some of it’s flights. They even were fined by regulators for the ‘unapproved show’. At The Hun’s we approve of these new outfits though! Way to go VietJet Air!