Google WAS scaring people!

imgresGoogle is was claiming there is malware on thehun… there’s not… In a way it’s a good thing that they’re doing their part in fighting malware, but in this case they’re wrong. There is no malware on thehun.

We’re working hard to get this problem fixed, it’s hard to get human support at google. But we’re doing everything in our power to get this problem fixed as soon as possible!

If you want to know all the details, please read on! has always been a site with links to galleries. The galleries we get are submitted by webmasters who want to promote their content. You’ll get a taste of what you can find inside their members area. On top of each gallery (and now we’re getting a bit technical) we have the voting and the links to other galleries in the same categories, we do that with the hunbar. This hunbar loads the submitted content in an iframe. Google is now detecting this as malware… but IT’S NOT!!!!

For instance, in my google webmasters report I get a warning on:

The first problem on there is supposed to be:

<iframe id=”hbi” src=”” async frameborder=”0″>

This is loading the gallery that was submitted by the webmaster in an iframe, so it’s actually visible in the hunbar. The next detected ‘problem’ is this:

<a href=””>

This is a link to the gallery that was submitted. It’s not malware, there’s no harm in this link. It’s merely a link to the site that was submitted to us (we checked the site in question for malware as well, there’s no malware on it!). The third ‘problem’ was this:

<a href=”#” onclick=”return hunbar_remove( false )”>

This is the link on the top right of the hunbar to close it (together with the before link straight to the gallery). Google is a bit paranoid here. The ‘suspicious snippets’ as they call it is perfectly normal code that has been running on thehun for years now. It’s definitely NOT malware. Thanks for everybody that warned us about this problem. We’re doing everything we can to get google to rectify the problem and to make sure they no longer hurt the reputation we built up in 21 years. We look very closely after what is linked on the yellow pages. And it’s great that google helps to keep the internet clean, but in this case they’re going way too far!

The biggest problem is that there’s no human support from google! I can remove the problem right away by disabling the hunbar, but as soon as I enable it again google would detect it again and block everything.

13 thoughts on “Google WAS scaring people!

  1. Daniel

    I have in the past reported that when connecting to the link to these various websites that TheHun has hosted. That is has redirected my computer to another link than the one I connected to originally. Yeah, you claimed, when I reported the issue, that it was not a virus or malware when it tried to download stuff without my consent or redirected me to something that I did not want to go to. Unfortunately, you did not listen to me and the stuff still happens, but I figured that you would tell me that I was wrong once more. So I stopped reporting those issues to you.

  2. R. Lee

    Well… the only problem I’ve experienced is with one of the comic sites that attacked me today – the one about Lara Croft. Otherwise all’s well. Thank You!

  3. The Hun Post author

    Never stop reporting to us please. You’ll be doing yourself and others a huge favor. We have had reports from people that were infected themselves with a HOSTS virus in the past (read more about that here). This makes it seem like the infection is on our site, but in fact it’s redirecting to other locations than we were linking to. We saw quite a few different hacks in the past. We kept our site pretty safe (with the exception of when we first moved this very blog to WordPress!, that’s under control now!).

    What exactly did the Lara Croft site do?

  4. Zackery

    I don’t know if it’s the same issue, or if the Google issue is cascading another issue but Firefox (47.0) is refusing to display every page in the archive older than approx 2 months. Instead it’s displaying it’s Reported Attack Page message. Thought you should know.

    1. The Hun Post author

      Google and Firefox are sharing the same malware database, so this was bound to happen. If all is right everything should be back to normal though

  5. Jim

    Lately, about the last two weeks, my Norton’s is blocking some of the sites. Usually the blocked sites are in the top five or six links on the opening page.

    1. The Hun Post author

      Keep reporting bad links please, so we can do something about them! Many advertising scams these days are geo-targeted, meaning they will be specifically target certain area’s in the world. These scams are hard to replicate from another place

  6. The Hun Post author

    I can only say: keep reporting bad links when you find them, preferably with all information you have, the OS you’re on, the virus program you’re using and the link you visited. Many advertising scams these days are geo-targeted, meaning they will be specifically target certain area’s in the world. These scams are hard to replicate from another place… We’re with thousands and thousands of visitors though, so fighting these scammers should be possible!

    Thanks for all the help over the years people!

  7. Vorath

    The hunbar makes it impossible to use the arrow keys for navigation when the page first loads forcing the use of the scroll bars only. Not a good design! Fix it or loose it.

    1. The Hun Post author

      Not a good comment either… I was raised to ask questions instead of telling people what to do… Ah well, I can see past that… Also, support questions can be mailed to us or sent to our facebook, but a comment like this in a reply to an unrelated post might get easily lost…

      There’s a simple option to disable the hunbar, simply navigate to ‘remove Hunbar’ when you’re on a gallery (with the hunbar visible), then select either ‘for this gallery’ to get rid of it for that gallery, or ‘for today’ to disable it for the rest of the day… No bad design at all, just one click to set your preferences.


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